Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Ground Hog Day!!

With 6 more inches of snow yesterday, our hand stitching group was canceled. I had hoped to deliver the three Linus Quilts to a friend who brought them to me, but no luck.

Here is the front of major lesson #1 - there is some ripple you can never quilt out!!

I knew that the border did not look square. Matter of fact, it had a decent ripple in it. Because the quilt was on point, I hoped I could make it work. That was not to be. I was pleased with the free motion but the quilt was not up to what I had hoped it would be. The back does  look OK.

Just majorly disappointed. :-(. Talked to the gals in Maine who collected the tops - they will need to do some creative bindings!! The Border was a sheet and the quilt was "on Point" (clearly stretched when the border was applied). It is all a part of my learning curve.

Heavy snow will arrive today (12"- 24" - who knows!! ). Would love to sew but think I will help Ken, the DH, do some staining of wood and installation of said wood!!  Stay warm everyone!