It has been record breaking here in the heat category. Almost a full week of 90⁰ plus temperature. I have had the week off from the Quilt Shop as I have been playing nurse to someone who had minor surgery but all is well and I have taken this time to "tame" my scraps. I recently attended a workshop on the Scrap Therapy System of storing and using scrap fabric. Really neat plan - all scraps are cut into 2", 3.5" and 5" squares and there are a series of patterns that use these sizes.I had a Whole Foods Reusable Grocery bag full of scraps of all sizes and all shapes - just thrown together in a jumble. This is what I have ended up with: The left picture is the work in progress and the right is my neat bins -
I am pleased with the organization On how to sort - clearly Whites/Creams and Darks were a requirement - but the question to ponder is "What to do with all those in-betweens??". I decided to group according to basic color and have a separate pile of floral. I also had a stack of "almost" white. Now on to the patters and decide if I have enough little squares to do something with.
The other thing that I have been working on is Christmas Quilts. Yup - I said Christmas!! Here is an adorable panel that I bought and framed in lime green with dog bones and bright blue with puppy paw prints
I was really pleased - I think it is really cute for an 8yo whose Mom is "very particular" about what he can be exposed to!! You dont want monsters, aliens etc - as he may be traumatized (lol). So I did dogies! Here is the back -
Nice and bright !!
Well off to do some cleaning of the sewing room. It is time that I finished my bed quilt for me that I started 2.5 years ago. The Center is all done - I did 250 flying geese to surround it and have several fabrics that I have been auditioning as borders - guess I will have to choose!
Stay Cool everyone . . .